Thursday, 18 August 2016

Year C - 18th Sunday of ordinary time

Ecclesiastes 1.2 ; 2.21-23   
 Psalm 89   
 Colossians 3.1-5 & 9-11   
 Luke 12.13-21

To go further



-Inheritance, it is the ice cream cone: which is intended to be used to hold 2 scoops of ice cream (an inheritance for 2 people)
- The number of scoops and the different flavours show that inheritance is important. The yellow rabbit is eating everything, mockingly it seems (the nasty villain!)
- The green rabbit pulls on the arm of Jesus, asking Him to make His verdict. Notably, this rabbit is turned towards his brother and he is not even looking at Jesus. He is "caught up in his thing." He wants Jesus to serve him to his own advantage, rather than to serve Jesus.
- And from a little further away, comes death, looking very perky. He proposes a ready-made solution ; cut everything in two. Inheritance or not, case closed !
- The inheritance "melts" (just look at the scoops of ice cream on top). In other words, the inheritance will "pass". It is not eternal.
-The green rabbit becomes a practising Christian on the day when he feels he has something to gain. On that day, he seeks Jesus. Not to listen to Him, but to tell Him what to do.
- Have I ever had that attitude towards Jesus?
- Can I remember the last time I did such a thing?
- How have I evolved since?

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Year C - 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time

1st Reading : Isaiah 66.10-14
Psalm 65
2nd Reading: Galatians 6.14-18
Gospel: Luke 10.1-12 ; 17-20

To go further


    -This rabbit is a little overloaded. If we take a look at all of his tools, there are quite a few for outside, gardening or agricultural tools in fact.
    –There are also some tools for indoor use, such as the hammer, screwdriver, electric cable, paint, white spirit etc.
    -And there are some items which are little more unusual: a hanger, an anvil...
    -And in the middle of all that, a little flute (you saw it right?) which shows the free quality of music, whilst the tools are held (more or less) in place.
    -So, what is the most important thing here? The multitude of things to do, or the gratuity of the smallest thing (the flute)


-If the rabbit does everything, all alone, is it because he has "found" nobody to help him? Or is it because he "looks" for nobody? I could ask myself the same questions. Often we start out saying that we cannot find anybody, and so we do it ourselves.
-Do I have an abundant harvest like the cartoon?
-What is important for me?
-What is important for me is not necessarily important for somebody else. Despite this, do I listen to the point of view of others or do I impose my own?

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Year C - Easter (Vigil)

(The readings in bold are advised, the others are optional)

1st Reading: Genesis 1.1 – 2.2     Psalm 103/32
2nd Reading: Genesis 22.1-18      Psalm 15
3rd Reading:Exodus 14.15 – 15.1     Exodus 15.1-8 / Psalm 135
4th Reading: Isaiah 54.5-14     Psalm 29
5rd Reading: Isaiah 55.1-11     Isaiah 12.2…6
­6th Reading: Baruch 3.9-15.32     Psalm 18
7th Reading:Ezekiel 36.16…28     Psalm 41/50
Reading: Romans 6,1-11     Psalm 117
Gospel: Luke 24,1-12

To go further

-The women approach the tomb and see the empty shroud from far.
-The simple word from Jesus "Back soon" alludes to his second coming, at the end of time, but also to when he appears before his disciples the same day. The piece of paper is yellow, the colour of the sun, just as are the words "alive" and "resurrected", in contrast with the word "dead", which is grey as a tomb.
The note is facing towards the reader, i.e. you. Which is to say that, from the staircase, the women see the note in profile (and seen in profile one needs very good eyesight to see it properly). This paper represents the revelation; some see it clearly because it is their gift, others try to see it, and some others do not even see it at all.
One last thing concerning the note; to see what it written upon it, one must dare to enter in the tomb, otherwise you will pass right by it.


-And I, dare I enter in the mystery of the revelation?
-Do I try to understand? Do I drink in faith without reflecting upon it?
-Do I scan and scrutinise the scriptures just as the lady on the left?
-Do I place my warm-coloured basket on the ground, to see the note "Back soon", with an even more dazzling colour?

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Year C - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C
1st Reading : Isaiah 6.1-8
Psalm 137
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11
Gospel: Luke 5.1-11
To go further


-The rabbit is is poised at the ready. Ears pointed backwards to allow greater flight.
-He has an idea where he will be going because he looks in the cross-hairs... but then everything really depends on the power of the catapult, and whether he will finish up before, after or on the target.
-He has a helmet sporting a star. It is the light which is sent during the night.
-The catapult resembles a Formula 1 car with bigger wheels at the back
-The release system is two-fold. The rabbit is held back by two ropes. We might expect to see only one. The signification is that, in the Church, when somebody is sent on a mission, two things are required ; that the person has an inner call (coming from themselves) and that the same call is confirmed by the Church who chooses to send them. We are not sent just because we feel we should be.
-There is no decor, because when God sends us, we let go of all else.
-This image could represent Jesus, sent by the Father, to love and save us.


-When I am sent.
-Do I attribute my mission as coming from myself ?
-Do I realise my mission ?
-Must I be told 36 times that I am going in the right direction, and be kicked up the behind several times ?
-Have I ever been disappointed by a mission ? Was I given the mission or did it come from myself?

Monday, 18 January 2016

Year C - Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time - Yeat C
Néhémie 8,2-4. 5-6. 8-10
Psalm 18
1 Co 12,12-30
 Luke 1,1-4 ; 4,14-21

To go further

- The blue rabbit is suffering with all his body. It is his foot which has been hurt, but it with his tongue that he screams (therefore perfect harmony between foot and tongue), it is his hands which try to relieve the pain in his foot. It  is his body which leaps and jumps with the pain. The Word of God "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it" is verified.
- On the other hand, the grey poet-rabbit is on the right, his is absolutely not in harmony with the rabbit who is suffering. He is quite happy to create a poem. He observes but does not enter into the suffering of the other. If they are both baptised, then in principle they are brothers and members of the Church, body of Christ. Here we cannot say that both rabbits are of the same body.
- We will speak in the context of a Christian assembly (mass, prayer, other...)
- In what way am I a member of the body of Christ ?
- Do I know how to suffer with someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- Do I know how to rejoice with someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- Do I know how to rejoice for someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- And regarding all of that, do I experience it only internally or can other people see that I am outwardly expressing it in this Christian assembly?

Monday, 11 January 2016

Year C - Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

Year C – 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Isaiah 62. 1-5
Psalm 95
1 Corinthians 12. 4-11
John 2.1-12
To go further

- In the story of the wedding et Cana, there is no more wine. Jesus asks the servants to fill six jars with around a hundred litres of water and to bring them to the the head waiter. When the latter tastes it, it is a delicious wine.
- In this image, we see a rabbit in the background. He has tasted the wine and signals to another rabbit to come and try it. The rabbit sporting a dickey bow is receiving wedding guests, but the rabbit on the right has not come for the wedding but for the wine. He even has an excuse to offer : He has come for his purification.


- In this gospel, it is curious that Jesus uses purification jars in which to place wine. Imagine if He were to transform holy water into wine. Some people may be quite perturbed to not find holy water that they would look elsewhere until they found some. When Jesus asks us to look for something else.
- If we think about it, Jesus prevents people from purifying themselves... because it is no longer the water which purifies them, but Jesus himself.
- Sometimes, I am reassured by the elements of religion that I employ (signs, rites, prayers)and I forget to look beyond them. Jesus is He who perturbs our life, our signs and codes. Yet am I ready to look further ? Am I open to that which perturbs me or do I block it?

Monday, 4 January 2016

Year C - First Sunday of Ordinary Time - The Baptism of Christ

First Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year C
Isaiah 42.1-7
Psalm 28
Luke 3,15-22

To go further

- John the baptist is baptising with water and Jesus is in the the Holy Spirit and in fire. This image shows a modern baptism. To the right, we see the priest welcoming the child with open arms, as Jesus did. The child is very receptive.
- The child is carried by his Godmother, for whom, her outfit may count for more than the baptism itself.
- The Godfather hold a fire extinguisher, in the event that a fire starts at the baptism. This is proof that he has heard the Word but has not understood.
- If we look closely, the cartoon is imbalanced between the exterior and the interior. The Godfather and Godmother show a richness in their clothes and a poverty inside because they do not understand the signification of a baptism. The child and the priest are clothed simply but with beaming smiles because they know that it is THE most important moment in the life of a Christian. The young child does not know it completely, but he is ready to welcome it all the same.


- Do I remember the date of my baptism ? Do I celebrate it ? Is it more or less important than my birthday ? Why ?
Questions for Godmothers and Godfathers :
- Do I understand my responsibilities towards my Godchild ? (I must be a solid believer, capable and ready to help the newly baptised child or adult, on their Christian path). Now that I know it, what must I do to be a solid believer ? Am I capable of helping my Godchild in this way ? How can I help them grow up in Faith ?