Monday 2 February 2015

Year B - Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
Job 7, 1...7
Psalm 146
1 Corinthians 9, 16...23
Mark 1, 29-39

To go further

Details and questions:

- Sometimes, we look for God... but we close our eyes... The rabbits' attitudes reflect the way in which we look for God. From left to right.
-We walk forwards and we look backwards. We refuse to let go of the past.
-We shout towards God but we close our eyes to make sure we can't see what he's asking for...
-We face him, we hold a magnifying glass and inspect details, but we forget the Essential (Him)
-We are close to Him (the rabbit in the middle) and we look somewhere else (distraction while we pray)
-We are lost in the bushes and we struggle. Why are we looking for Him in the bushes? (we refuse to leave our entanglement and stubbornness)
-We're looking under the stones. All these stones are so heavy to lift! (exhaustion from looking the wrong way, occultism, pseudo-revelations, miracle makers...)
-We're looking for Him in dialogue "Haven't you seen him?" and the other one shakes his head "No" (refusal to testify to the wonders that God made in our lives, and which could help the other one move forward)
-And also, the cross is very visible, but we prefer to look for God in glory... Don't we?

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