Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Isaiah 56, 1. 6 - 7
Psalm 66
Romans 11, 13 ... 32
Matthew 15, 21 ... 28
go further
- In today's Gospel, we can easily imagine that the
disciples are annoyed by this woman. Nowadays, we would call that harassment
and we would press charges ...
- The fingers of the rabbit in the right are clenched,
so are his ears. His left ear says it's had enough. His right ear is pointing
towards the one who's bothering him. He's not even looking at the woman
anymore, his eyes are looking up to the sky, as if he was talking to God.
- When we've exhausted all that we could do, without
success, this annoys us. Sometimes, it is at that moment (and only at that
moment, alas) that we shout towards God. We're even ready to do anything (or
almost) to get rid of what's annoying us.
- What about me, how do I understand this word for the
week to come ?