Monday 12 October 2015

Year B - Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of ordinary time – Year B

Isaiah 53.10-11
Psalm 32
Hebrews 4.14-16 
Marc 10.35-45

To go further


- Imagine somebody who is truly brilliant, who has all diplomas in all domains. Somebody who knows everything, and knows how to do everything. This person would have nothing missing on their CV, and when (if they manage to) they are recruited in a company they take the broomstick to clean the floor. 
We could interpret this in saying "What a waste, we are not using the qualities of this person !"
Yet the logic of man is not that of God.
This truly brilliant person, it is Jesus. He is so brilliant that he is the light of the world (He, par whom the world is created don't forget !...) He puts himself in last place.
Is He timid, introverted ?No, He is God, and God does not make a noise. He tames men by hiding among them.


- And I , how am I placed ? What speaks to me in what I have just read ?
- In all of my diplomas and talents, which have I placed at the service of God and humanity ?
- How can I use them, in my place, in daily life?

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