Tuesday 8 September 2015

Year B - Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

24th  Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year B

Isaiah 50.5-9
Psalm 114
James 2.14-18 :
Mark 8.27-35

To go further


-This rabbit has a remote controlled cross on a race car (convenient to transport it).
-The cross is not behind him, but in front. He wants to show it off. He wants us to see it.
-Also, he evaluates it by putting a digit (1) which means "I am the best, my cross is the heaviest, nanananana!!!"
-But he is not fooled by his little game, because looking at his expression, once  unmasked, he feels guilty.


-To take ones cross is not too choose one. It is, first of all, to accept the one that we have (to accept our defects, our old age, our dependence on others, our family or marital situation, unemployment, handicap, failures...)
-A cross made to measure, it is not a cross. We have many ideas to add to the cross, to make it aesthetically pleasing, to add effort and control the thing. A cross is not something to control.
-Did I choose my little crosses while doing all I could to forget the one that I should be carrying ?
-Do I await a call from the Lord to walk in his footsteps, or do I work away at my little personal comfort as long as no one says anything?

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