Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year B
2 Chronicles 36, 14-16, 19-23
Psalm 136
Ephesians 2, 4-10
John 3, 14-21
To go further
- A rabbit trying to move a mountain, using a wheelbarrow. It's exhausting!
- In his wheelbarrow, we can see big rocks which have been trimmed (added effort) and show an inscription "merit", "GA" (good action). THE good action that any Christian has to do during the day (as if there was only one).
- He's just realised that he is saved by grace, free of charge, despite the fact he's already sweated a lot.
- What about me, what's my attitude towards God's free gift? Do I rely more on my strengths, on my merits, or on God?
- At the end of my life, after working a lot for God, and having used my strengths for Him as well as others, will I be jealous if God gives his graces to those who didn't work as much as myself?
- Am I exempt of any effort simply because Jesus will save me no matter what?