Monday 5 October 2015

Year B - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th Sunday of ordinary time - Year B

Wisdom 7.7-11
Psalm 89
Hebrews 4.12-13
Mark 10.17-30

To go further


The word of God is alive, we see this thanks to several points:
-1. The letters "a l i v e" are very warm and sporting an array of colours.
-2. The Bible has yellow pages inside, and a more modern fiery cover, with a light cross design. This signifies that its pages, although ancient, are still relevant now.
-3. The Bible bounces. I had thought about drawing it flying, but when it touches the ground, it gives more of an impression that it is down to earth, easy to reach.
-4. The Bible speaks. Jesus is the creator of words. Each of his words has logic. Jesus goes towards those who do no know them.
The blue rabbit who runs after the words, it is he who wishes to master them, to tame them and dress them up. Yet the word of God is not something one can chain up, it escapes from him. Nobody has a monopoly on the word of God, nobody has the one unique interpretation. 


-Do I have a real example of whereby the word of God is alive ?
-When did His word touch my heart profoundly ?
-When did it set me moving, to give my life direction ?

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