Monday, 25 August 2014

Year A - Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Jeremiah 20, 7 - 9
Psalm 62
Romans 12, 1 - 2
Matthew 16, 21 - 27


To go further 


-The prophet Jeremiah, animated by the Word of God, in incapble to blow off the candles on a birthday cake (dragons have the same problem by the way ...)
- His position is stretched forward, ears and body. He's resting on his hands. The hand of God, in the Bible, means the action, the relationship, the expression. The hand of God expresses the movement of the soul (the joy, the distress, the oath, the blessing, the prayer, the adoration). Here, the prophet is resting on all of that.
- The green rabbit, on the left, is surprised by the result.
- As for the yellow one, he's dubious. 


- God's ways and men's ways are not the same. If the birthday rite is to blow out candles (by the way, what meaning does it really hold ? Who has the answer ?) the christening rite is to receive and transmit the fire. 
- Who has already tried to put on hold an inner fire coming from God ? On which occasion ? Did I succeed ? Yes ? No ? Why ?

Monday, 18 August 2014

Year A - Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Isaiah 22, 19 - 23
Psalm 137
Romans 11, 33 - 36
Matthew 16, 13 - 20 

To go further 


- The white hand belongs to God who is planting.
- The pegs are in fact rabbits who are wearing yellow helmets with a red cross on them (the cross is a mark so that they are easily seen and planted). Once the rabbit is planted, there's no more cross on his helmet ; his mission is accomplished. 
-The soil is grey, like stone.
- The legs of the rabbit on the right are ready to enter the soil, a bit like a doweling (impossible to take it out once it's planted). 
- The look in the eyes of  the rabbit on the right is resolute. He's ready.
- The succession of yellow helmets will make clear marks. 


- Jesus set Peter in the rock, like his Church.
- What about me, do I trust the Church and its teachings ? Do I take some and leave some ? If so, doesn't that mean that I situate myself above Jesus himself ? 
- Can I receive Jesus without going through his Church ?

Monday, 11 August 2014

Year A - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Isaiah 56, 1. 6 - 7
Psalm 66
Romans 11, 13 ... 32
Matthew 15, 21 ... 28

To go further


- In today's Gospel, we can easily imagine that the disciples are annoyed by this woman. Nowadays, we would call that harassment and we would press charges ... 
- The fingers of the rabbit in the right are clenched, so are his ears. His left ear says it's had enough. His right ear is pointing towards the one who's bothering him. He's not even looking at the woman anymore, his eyes are looking up to the sky, as if he was talking to God.


- When we've exhausted all that we could do, without success, this annoys us. Sometimes, it is at that moment (and only at that moment, alas) that we shout towards God. We're even ready to do anything (or almost) to get rid of what's annoying us. 
- What about me, how do I understand this word for the week to come ?

Monday, 4 August 2014

Year A - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
1 Kings 19, 9. 11 - 13
Psalm 84
Romans 9, 1 - 5
Matthew 14, 22 - 33

To go further 


-This picture makes reference to all the precautions that could prevent us from moving forward in faith. This is expressed by the expression "We never know".
-The sky is blue, the sea turquoise. All is calm, except the rabbit who's experiencing an inner battle with bright colours : his signpost is bright yellow and his buoy red and white (mix of worry and naivety).
- The rabbit thinks he's fighting a lost battle. He can already see himself sinking. What faith !
-The attitude is shown in the fact he's not looking ahead of him but back. In the Gospel, as long as Peter is looking at Jesus, he's walking on water? The moment he looks at the wind, the waves, he sinks. 


- What about me, in which circumstances to I adopt this "We never know" kind of attitude ?
- When do I feel like I'm fighting a lost battle ? Why ?
- Is it (and will it always be) fatal ?