Showing posts with label Year B - Ordinary Time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Year B - Ordinary Time. Show all posts

Monday, 19 October 2015

Year B - Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year B

Jeremiah 31,.-9
Psalm 125
Hebrew 5.1-6 
Mark 10.46-52

To go further


- The rabbit who makes his praise echo is behind (in an orchestra the percussion section is in the last line).
- The cymbals are red, and the "DZIM" too.
- The trumpet player, although on a lower step, now finds himself higher than he who plays the cymbal. The praise of the other has awaken him.
- The blue rabbit finds himself at his place of praise and he holds it loyally. Just look at his face.
- It is his instrument which speaks, his mouth is closed.


Do not confuse praise (or thanks to God for what He is) and that action of grace (where we thank Him for what He has done). It is easy to give grace then to praise. Yet mankind was created to praise God.
- Do I stick to my role of Christian in my praises ?
- How ?

Monday, 12 October 2015

Year B - Twenty-Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday of ordinary time – Year B

Isaiah 53.10-11
Psalm 32
Hebrews 4.14-16 
Marc 10.35-45

To go further


- Imagine somebody who is truly brilliant, who has all diplomas in all domains. Somebody who knows everything, and knows how to do everything. This person would have nothing missing on their CV, and when (if they manage to) they are recruited in a company they take the broomstick to clean the floor. 
We could interpret this in saying "What a waste, we are not using the qualities of this person !"
Yet the logic of man is not that of God.
This truly brilliant person, it is Jesus. He is so brilliant that he is the light of the world (He, par whom the world is created don't forget !...) He puts himself in last place.
Is He timid, introverted ?No, He is God, and God does not make a noise. He tames men by hiding among them.


- And I , how am I placed ? What speaks to me in what I have just read ?
- In all of my diplomas and talents, which have I placed at the service of God and humanity ?
- How can I use them, in my place, in daily life?

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Year B - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time (2)

28th Sunday of ordinary time – Year B

Wisdom 7.7-11
Psalm 89
Hebrews 4.12-13
Mark 10.17-30

To go further


-This rabbit as infinite patience. He is passive. He knows that he will manage to untie the knots, it is only a question of time.
 -If we look at his right hand we can see quite a level of dexterity.
-He works with all of his being (hands, feet, ears)


-If all is possible to God, that doesn't mean that he will give me anything and everything. Sometimes, we have very specific demands in our prayers, and despite our faith, God does not give us what we have asked of Him. In this case, how should I react ?
-If God does not give me my Ferrari or my castle, do I ask Him why, or do I conclude that God simply does not listen to me ?
-I ask for what I wish, et God gives me what I need (knowing that my gift is not in the immediate but in the eternal life). That which he gives to me, is to prepare me for that life.
-Knowing this, does it stop me from asking the impossible from God ?

Monday, 5 October 2015

Year B - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

28th Sunday of ordinary time - Year B

Wisdom 7.7-11
Psalm 89
Hebrews 4.12-13
Mark 10.17-30

To go further


The word of God is alive, we see this thanks to several points:
-1. The letters "a l i v e" are very warm and sporting an array of colours.
-2. The Bible has yellow pages inside, and a more modern fiery cover, with a light cross design. This signifies that its pages, although ancient, are still relevant now.
-3. The Bible bounces. I had thought about drawing it flying, but when it touches the ground, it gives more of an impression that it is down to earth, easy to reach.
-4. The Bible speaks. Jesus is the creator of words. Each of his words has logic. Jesus goes towards those who do no know them.
The blue rabbit who runs after the words, it is he who wishes to master them, to tame them and dress them up. Yet the word of God is not something one can chain up, it escapes from him. Nobody has a monopoly on the word of God, nobody has the one unique interpretation. 


-Do I have a real example of whereby the word of God is alive ?
-When did His word touch my heart profoundly ?
-When did it set me moving, to give my life direction ?

Monday, 28 September 2015

Year B - Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

27ème Dimanche du Temps Ordinaire – Année B

Genesis 2.18 - 24
Psalm 127
Hebrews 2.9-11
Mark 10.2-16

To go further


-This Rabbit has cold feet for two reasons:
-He's afraid of getting hurt from falling, so he doesn't have much confidence in God ...
-He puts a quilt in front of him, as for protection from God.
It would have been better to put it behind him.


 -The Torpor, "the mysterious sleep" in the book of Genesis is used by God when he does something very important, as if he plunges a man into a trance so that he can stand it. There is another passage in which Abraham is plunged into this torpor (Gen 15:12) when God undertakes in alliance with him when God passes between the shared animals (why share animals between two people and then pass through the middle when an alliance is made with someone? It was a sign of the word given, and it was final. If I broke the alliance, if I retracted my word, the same could happen to me as these animals). To quickly summarize, it is man who broke the covenant with God, and God (Jesus) who sacrificed himself in the place of man)
-Do I trust the intervention of God to heal me, to save me? Or do I prefer to heal and save myself ?
-According to my answer, how do I experience this each day?

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Year B - Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Isaiah 35,4-7
Psalm 145
James 2,1-5
Mark 7,31-37

To go further

-A little surprised this rabbit ... surprised at the promise of God that seems like science fiction ...
-The horizon is flat; he is calm, in the desert, on his camel. There is no relief in his life.
-Suddenly, the torrid country turns into a lake (I know someone who will surf a camel!)
-And here Giddyup galloping to escape the water, because Giddyup is a camel who has plenty of reserves in his hump. No need for more water.
And of course, the rabbit has to find a culprit for this unexpected situation. The first one that comes to him, the weather ...


-Jesus is the source. Source of life, source of the gift, source of love, source of freedom.
When I seek my source elsewhere, inevitably, I feel a great void after an intense moment of life, love, giving, freedom, since when apart from God, it only lasts for a fleeting moment.
And I will even flee from God, thinking that it is He who prevents me from living, loving, giving, to be free. Could God be so sadistic in harassing humans?
If that's what I think, then the God I imagine is not the true God.

As a complement from the Bible, this reading of Isaiah prophesies the return of Israel to its land, whilst having spent the last 50 years in exile in Babylon. And in order to return home, he has to cross the Arabian Desert. It is not only the purpose of the journey that is a joy, but the journey itself, where the desert will bloom again. How often do we wear ourselves out seeking a goal (for example to accumulate money or to go away on vacation). We then only see the goal, we forget the path to get there. The encounter with God does not happen only at the end of our lives, but throughout. This is the time it takes to get to know him.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Isaiah 35,4-7
Psalm 145
James 2,1-5
Mark 7,31-37

Monday, 24 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Deuteronomy 4,1…8
Psalm 14
James 1,17-27
Mark 7,1…23

To go further

-This rabbit has clean hands, that is for sure ! He has a pair of lovely white gloves.
-His tongue is forked like that of a snake and deep red as blood.
-Visibly, his intentions are less than pure, otherwise what would he be doing with a submachine gun and a balaclava ? His approach as he walks is also suspect ...
-The submachine gun fires quickly, with only one barrel. Also, his tongue could fire some deadly bursts.
-The rabbit points his finger accusingly. We do not know who at, or what he is doing. Free judgement...
-The rabbit is covered from head to toe, so that the outside world does not dirty him. On the other hand, we have our doubts about the cleanliness of his thoughts.


-If my hands are pure, is my heart also ?
-Are my weapons inside or outside ? Which are the most dangerous ?
-In which circumstances do I use them ? For what reason ?

Monday, 17 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Joshua 24.1-18
Psalm 33
Ephesians 5.21-32
John 6.60-69

To go further

-There are not really any details that could help in reflecting on this one.


-In response to the question "You do not want to leave too, do you?" , the answer is clear: YES, straight away even, and quickly !
-When did I want to leave ? By whom or what had I been disappointed? What made me doubt (or makes me doubt now) ? Do I speak about it, or do I carry it alone ?
-If we read again the life of Jesus, he had many reasons to leave, to be disappointed,  betrayed by men. He could have said "OK guys, there is no point in my being here, you don't listen to me. See you ! ". However, he stayed.
-What keeps me here ? What makes me persevere in my faith? What makes me live ?

Monday, 10 August 2015

Year B - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Proverbs 9.1-6
Psalm 33
Ephesians 5.15-20
John 6.51-58
To go further


-A rabbit is insulted over the telephone. I purposely drew an old telephone to show that it is heavy to carry, just like the words he hears.
-He clenches his teeth, looks to the side, and puts his hand on the mouthpiece so as not to respond. He uses all of his efforts to not respond.
-Underneath the telephone, there is a stack of paper sheets ; « spoken words fly away, the written remains" except that at times, the spoken words that hurt us stay deep within us just as much as the written words.


-Have I experienced a spoken word which hurts? which denigrates ?
-And I, am I innocent of all harmful words ? The last time that I managed to hold my tongue of such words, when was it ? What good did I take away from the experience ? This means that I am capable. Perhaps I was pushed by a certain Holy Spirit ? Do I think to call Him in these cases, or do I moreover play tit-for-tat ? Why ?

Monday, 3 August 2015

Year B - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

1st Reading: 1 Kings19.4-8
Psalm 33
2nd Reading : Ephesians 4.30- 5,2
Gospel: Jean 6.41-51

To go further

-This rabbit is looking for God, far, very far, very very far away (look at the size of the telescope)
-He is surprised by somebody (God) who is very close by.
-We recognize the shadow of God by the cross on the ground.
-The rabbit no longer sees God in the air, in the skies, but at his level, right next to him.-The telescope is currently pointed at the ground. Do you not find God in the weakness of people, in all small things?


-When I ask God to deliver me from my fears, my worries, is it He that I look for first ?
-Of who and of what am I fearful ? Why ?
-When was the last time that I asked Him to deliver me from fear ? 
-How did He respond to me ? In what manner was he present ?

Monday, 27 July 2015

Year B - Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

18th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

Exodus 16.2…15
Psalm 77
Ephesians 4.17…24 
John 6.24-35

To go further

-A spoiled rabbit.
-He is passive, laying in the grass and flowers...
-Faced with a gift, something free, he continues to ask for more, without any "please" or "thank you"


-What is my attitude faced with God's gifts for me ?
-Do I thank Him for the gift of my baptism or do I not see much importance in it ? (perhaps I should take a dive back into the foundations of baptism)
-Do I thank Him for the gift of His word ? Or is my Bible covered in dust ?
-Do I thank Him for His life given for me ?
-Am I not this spoiled child when I look at my rights as a Christian without considering my duties.

So ? What will be my path of work for the week ?

Monday, 20 July 2015

Year B - Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

1st Reading : 2 Kings 4,42-44
Psalm 144
2nd Reading : Ephesians 4,1-6
Gospel : Jean-6,1-15

To go further

-The background is red; when somebody is annoyed, it places a bad atmosphere all around them.
- Except that here, the rabbit on the right keeps calm and peaceful.
- Maybe he has a solution to suggest...
- In this cartoon, I don't know who puts up with who. Everything is possible!


-Saint Paul is realistic. The "Love your neighbour as yourself" could be transformed into  "Put up with everybody, with love", stay human.
-What do I not put up with, concerning other people ?
-What do I not put up with concerning myself ?
-To become holy, must I remove that which I cannot put up with, or try to accept and to live with it ? Should I remove all that I do not like concerning other people, or should I try to accept them and to live with how they are ?
If someone else tries to remove or stop something that I do, that they refuse to put up with, what is my reaction ?