Showing posts with label Year B - Easter Triduum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Year B - Easter Triduum. Show all posts

Friday, 3 April 2015

Year B - Good Friday

This reading was not heard today but last Sunday. It is not a problem, there is something to learn anyway...

To go further


Saint Peter will arrange so that the rooster does not sing (Jesus told him "Before the rooster crows twice, you yourself will disown me three times") 
-By this image, I want to underline the fact that there is no "predestination". It is not because the rooster sings that Peter will disown Jesus. It is not because Jesus gave a mouthful to Judas that Satan enters in him. The devil is not in the mouthful, he is in the heart of Judas who has already decided to accomplish his demands. Jesus does not consider Judas as his enemy, he gives him opportunities (when  Judas delivers him, Jesus still calls him "my friend" and he really means it)
-Jesus said "this is my body delivered FOR you". He could have said "delivered BY you", but he keeps the initiative. He gives his life actively, and not passively.


-It is easier to accuse "destiny", things, people, and try to get rid of the issue, rather than looking at our responsibility head on, concerning evil and sin.
-It is not by knocking the rooster out that my heart will change.
-What are the roosters that I want to knock out ? Which are the people that I want to accuse to clear me of my sins ? of my responsibility ?

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Year B - Good Thursday - Mass of the Last Supper

Good Thursday - Mass of the Last Supper - Year A

Exodus 12, 1 - 14
Psalm 115
1 Corinthians 11, 23 - 26
John 13, 1 - 15

To go further


- "How to become a Christian with only one piece of advice"... The only lesson is to do like Jesus.
- At the beginning, this rabbit (on the left) really wants to become a Christian. He receives a sheet, some help from another Christian. The silence of this hand means that at some point, you have to choose and you're alone in front of this choice.
- In the middle, there's an instruction manual which seems very simple: "Do as I have done for you". But that's the issue, WHO are we supposed to copy? If I'm supposed to do like Mother Teresa, that will be very complicated. So if I'm supposed to do like Jesus...Ouch! It's both simple and complicated. Simple because he puts himself at our level and he's no Olympic champion, but a close friend. Complicated because we have to commit to much more than one hour every Sunday. You're committing every place and moments you live. If I am a Christian, I need to represent Jesus wherever I am.
- The rabbit on the right (still the same) prefers a more complicated solution, he wants something measurable. How can you evaluate whether or not you're like Jesus? At the end of the day, you can't say whether you succeeded or not. On the other hand, accomplish a good action, say a particular prayer, that's easier to evaluate. My Christian life will always be judged by someone else.


- The rabbit would prefer something more complicated, something he can assess, measure. Jesus asks us to stay simple because he is the master. My uncertainty concerning whether I'm doing right or wrong will remain an uncertainty. And that's a good thing, otherwise I would become self-righteous.

- So, how will I follow this one piece of advice in one lesson today?