Showing posts with label Year A - Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Year A - Easter. Show all posts

Monday, 26 May 2014

Year A - Seventh Sunday of Easter

 Seventh Sunday of Easter - Year 

Apostles Acts 1, 12 - 14
Psalm 26
1 Peter 4, 13 - 16
John 17, 1 - 11

To go further


- " One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek : that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life"
- The house of the Lord is that little house, with a big door and a window. The area of the ceiling is greater than the area of the floor. In Heaven, there is space.
- To enter this house, there is a doormat. We cannot go through the entrance without being pure. Jesus himself comes to purify us. He already starts down here, by the action of the Holy Ghost, with whom we must willingly cooperate.
- In the house, there is a light. It is God's light, the Light in the Darkness.
- The house is in the middle of the desert. There's nothing around it except two plants which are touching the wall of the house, sign of the Creation that leads to God (and comes from Him)
- The rabbit looks embarassed to ask for such a thing, as if he didn't feel worthy enough. From the answer which comes from within, he's not the first one to ask.


- Is living in the Lord's house every day of my life a desire which I have ? 
- Is it the only thing I'm looking for ? Yes ? No ? Why ?

Monday, 19 May 2014

Year A - Sixth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year A

Apostles Acts 8, 5 - 17
Psalm 65
1 Peter, 15 - 18
John 14, 15 - 21


To go further

- The grey rabbits (towards the back) are waiting for the blue rabbit to show his faith
- The blue rabbit is looking for his written testimony, which he's prepared well ... but he can't find it.
- He's turning his back to them, he's not willing to speak to people. He's looking for his means.
- He's searching his desk, in his desk, on his computer, in his bin and on himself
- He forgets to look INSIDE himself
- In his jacket, there's an ace of hearts which  falls from his sleeve, that means he's losing his means, his assets. He's facing his own poverty
- The grey rabbits are waiting ; one of them is eating an ice cream which is melting. That means that soon, it will be too late. This moment of grace will be gone


- To account for the Hope one has inside oneself should be a simple thing. It's answering to the question "Why am I a believer ? What has changed in MY life since I've known Jesus Christ ?" We're not asking for a theology demonstration, just a life testimony. It should come from the heart, quite simply. If we asked someone why he likes such dessert, and if he was to take a paper out to answer the question, that would be a bit weird, wouldn't it ? Such is faith.
- When we have given our testimony, maybe the other person will stay indifferent. No matter. In faith, I believe that God put that person on my path. Maybe he's only remembered one sentence.
-What about me, when was the last time I accounted for my Hope ? To whom ? How was that received ? Did I talk more about God or about myself ?

Monday, 12 May 2014

Year A - Fifth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter - Year A

Apostles Acts 6, 1 - 7
Psalm 32
1 Peter 2, 4 - 7
John 14, 1 - 12


To go further


- The blue rabbit is Jesus who's going from Earth (brown on the floor and green on the walls) to Heaven (blue in the lift). The lift door is red (same as last week for the door handle, it's the same meaning)
- He's pushing a trolley with bookings. The bookings don't mean that everything is played, that it's inevitable (either I am on it or I'm not, depending on what he's decided and that's all). On the contrary, the booking depends on me, on my life. The colour of the bookings is bright yellow, like the holiness.
- If we look at the lift buttons, the one going up has no number but the mathematical sign for infinite (an overturned 8)
- There is a grey rabbit who's going in the opposite direction. He's not coming out of the lift (impossible, it's a one-way system, fortunately !) He meets Jesus' look. What is happening inside him ? It's for you to guess.


- What about you, how do you hear Jesus' Word : "I am going there to prepare a place for you" ?

Monday, 5 May 2014

Year A - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter - Year A

Apostles Acts 2, 14 ... 41
Psalm 22
1 Peter 2, 20 - 25
John 10, 1 - 10

To go further


- The symbolism is mainly in the colours. The room in which the rabbit stands is life on Earth (green floor like the grass, blue wall like the sky)
- The wall which the rabbit is turning towards is pale blue, that's Eternal life.
- The door is Christ. He has the same colour as the wall, because Eternal Life is, before all else, HIM.
- The handle is red (this is Jesus humanity. The access to the sky is possible through his sacrifice. The red represents the blood that was shed on the cross)
- The door is open, Jesus is always welcoming. There's no lock ; he is accessible to everyone without needing to study. The frame is white, like the holiness that covers us, without which we can't see God.
- On this drawing, the rabbit does not dare pushing the door, he stops at the frame. There's a branch of religion which is called « gnosis ». Salute is in knowledge (You « know » so you can be saved, otherwise you have no chance). This rabbit stops at knowledge and he can't go through the door because he's lacking faith and knowledge from the heart.


- If Jesus opens his door, do I let myself in ?
- If Jesus knocks on my door, will I let him in ?

Monday, 28 April 2014

Year A - Third Sunday of Easter

Third Sunday of Easter - Year A

Apostles Acts 2, 14 ... 28
Psalm 15
1 Peter 1, 17 - 21
Luke 24, 13 - 35

To go further


- The grey rabbits are the Emmaus disciples. The blue one is Christ.
- Jesus is opening the disciples' minds to the intelligence of the scriptures. The dark grey is the one who hasn't understood, the light grey has understood. At the origin, he was dark like the other one but he's been enlightened because his mind has been opened by Jesus.
- We can see the opening that's been made to insert the key is heart-shaped.
- We can also see that the inside of the dark grey rabbit is light (look at the contours of his heart) which means the key is inside him.


- Why draw such a key ? The youngest has never seen one like this. This key used to be used to rewind clocks, for instance, or any other mechanical engine that used to work with a spring in the shape of a spiral. That means you had to tighten the spring and by slowly expanding, it was making the engine work. When the spring was completely loose, the engine would stop and you had to use the key once again to tighten God is there, even if I can't feel anything. It's to believe that he's acting, even if I can't see him. To do an act of faith is free. I don't expect anything from God but I tell him I believe in him.
- There's even a prayer called « act of faith » which we can recite : « O my God, I firmly believe all the truths which the holy Church teaches, because in revealing them you can neither deceive nor be deceived. » This does not mean that we must quite simply believe, because that's a mystery, but that we must start with what has been revealed to us, dig further and understand it a bit more to understand.
- During my day, do I regularly take acts of faith ?

Monday, 21 April 2014

Year A - Second Sunday of Easter

Second Sunday of Easter - Year A

Apostles Acts 2, 42 - 47
Psalm 117
2 Peter 1, 3 - 9
John 20, 19 - 31

To go further


- At a first glance, this drawing could seem disrespectful. That would mean not knowing well the author.
- This rabbit represents the apostle Thomas who's asking to put his hands in the wounds of resurrected Jesus in order to believe he's the same one who died and is now alive.
- On this drawing, his left hand is resting on the cross at the place of one of the nails. Yet, he doesn't believe, because his doubt is not in his hand but in his head.
- The « As you wish » said by the one holding the hammer shows a spiritual behaviour which I describe in the category « questions » just underneath.
- He's going to hit the hand … but without putting a nail in it, as if to give a lesson.


- The lesson in question is that we sometimes ASK God for suffering. You will probably tell me « That's absurd ». Have you never thought that way : « Lord, please take this person's suffering off him and put it onto me. » Let's be careful with this sort of prayer. He could respond to us « As you wish » (because WE want it, despite the fact that the rabbit's behaviour shows us he's not ready for this kind of ordeal …)
- The Lord doesn't want us to suffer. Let's not ask for extra sufferings even though we're already struggling to accept those that make up our life.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Year A - Easter Vigil

Easter vigil - Year A

Genesis 1, 1 - 2, 2
 Psalm 103 or 32
Genesis 22, 1 - 18
Psalm 15
Exodus 14, 15 - 15, 1
Exodus Cantics 15, 1 - 8 or Psalm 135
Isaiah 54, 5 - 14
Psalm 29
Isaiah 55, 1 - 11
Isaiah Cantics 12, 2 ... 6
Baruch 3, 9 - 15.32
Psalm 18
Ezechiel 36, 16 ... 28
Psalm 41 or 50
Romans 6, 11
Psalm 117
Matthew 28, 1 - 10

To go further


- There are spring colours. Only the grave is grey.
- The angel is this snowman. Silly ? Maybe not that much … Its colour is the purest of all we know around us (snow). Its face is made with eight stones (two for the eyes, six for the mouth). The eighth day being the resurrection one.
- In its snow « hands » it's holding lightnings. Logically that's impossible. If it manages, it's because everything is possible for God, including resurrecting his Son.
-If we look at its hands, they are two blocks of snow that open into three fingers. Certain representations also have extremities which widen out or open like on this picture. The symbol is also the one of life, of resurrection, a bit like if the cross was coming into bud.
- There are two bubbles coming from the sky. The left one could be any saint. The right one is God who's answering him. We understood that if that angel looks odd, it's to attract attention.
- Three question marks in the three fundamental colours (yellow, blue and red) pop out of the rabbit who's watching this « angel ». He's asking himself fundamental questions.


- What if I was witnessing such a thing ? What would I do ? To whom would I tell about it ? Why ?