Monday, 31 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Isaiah 35,4-7
Psalm 145
James 2,1-5
Mark 7,31-37

Monday, 24 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Deuteronomy 4,1…8
Psalm 14
James 1,17-27
Mark 7,1…23

To go further

-This rabbit has clean hands, that is for sure ! He has a pair of lovely white gloves.
-His tongue is forked like that of a snake and deep red as blood.
-Visibly, his intentions are less than pure, otherwise what would he be doing with a submachine gun and a balaclava ? His approach as he walks is also suspect ...
-The submachine gun fires quickly, with only one barrel. Also, his tongue could fire some deadly bursts.
-The rabbit points his finger accusingly. We do not know who at, or what he is doing. Free judgement...
-The rabbit is covered from head to toe, so that the outside world does not dirty him. On the other hand, we have our doubts about the cleanliness of his thoughts.


-If my hands are pure, is my heart also ?
-Are my weapons inside or outside ? Which are the most dangerous ?
-In which circumstances do I use them ? For what reason ?

Monday, 17 August 2015

Year B - Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Joshua 24.1-18
Psalm 33
Ephesians 5.21-32
John 6.60-69

To go further

-There are not really any details that could help in reflecting on this one.


-In response to the question "You do not want to leave too, do you?" , the answer is clear: YES, straight away even, and quickly !
-When did I want to leave ? By whom or what had I been disappointed? What made me doubt (or makes me doubt now) ? Do I speak about it, or do I carry it alone ?
-If we read again the life of Jesus, he had many reasons to leave, to be disappointed,  betrayed by men. He could have said "OK guys, there is no point in my being here, you don't listen to me. See you ! ". However, he stayed.
-What keeps me here ? What makes me persevere in my faith? What makes me live ?

Monday, 10 August 2015

Year B - Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Proverbs 9.1-6
Psalm 33
Ephesians 5.15-20
John 6.51-58
To go further


-A rabbit is insulted over the telephone. I purposely drew an old telephone to show that it is heavy to carry, just like the words he hears.
-He clenches his teeth, looks to the side, and puts his hand on the mouthpiece so as not to respond. He uses all of his efforts to not respond.
-Underneath the telephone, there is a stack of paper sheets ; « spoken words fly away, the written remains" except that at times, the spoken words that hurt us stay deep within us just as much as the written words.


-Have I experienced a spoken word which hurts? which denigrates ?
-And I, am I innocent of all harmful words ? The last time that I managed to hold my tongue of such words, when was it ? What good did I take away from the experience ? This means that I am capable. Perhaps I was pushed by a certain Holy Spirit ? Do I think to call Him in these cases, or do I moreover play tit-for-tat ? Why ?

Monday, 3 August 2015

Year B - Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

19th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Year B

1st Reading: 1 Kings19.4-8
Psalm 33
2nd Reading : Ephesians 4.30- 5,2
Gospel: Jean 6.41-51

To go further

-This rabbit is looking for God, far, very far, very very far away (look at the size of the telescope)
-He is surprised by somebody (God) who is very close by.
-We recognize the shadow of God by the cross on the ground.
-The rabbit no longer sees God in the air, in the skies, but at his level, right next to him.-The telescope is currently pointed at the ground. Do you not find God in the weakness of people, in all small things?


-When I ask God to deliver me from my fears, my worries, is it He that I look for first ?
-Of who and of what am I fearful ? Why ?
-When was the last time that I asked Him to deliver me from fear ? 
-How did He respond to me ? In what manner was he present ?