Friday, 31 March 2017

Fourth Friday of Lent

- I will write or learn this verse.
-I will repeat this verse several times a day and I will listen to what the Lord tells me therein.
-I can put this verse into practice, if I feel it is right to do so.
-I will fill out the blank thought bubble.
-I can share my experiences (or how I tried to put this word of God into place and what benefits I then received).
Help to understand this verse:

The book of wisdom was written by cultivated Jews who tried to answer in faith the essential questions.

The sage travelled, he discovered several cultures. Meditation is delivered in the form of sentences, poems, moral or symbolic narratives.

In the passion of Christ, we find words similar to this one, spoken by the enemies of Jesus at the foot of the cross.

Friday, 10 March 2017

First Thursday of Lent

- I will write or learn this verse.
-I will repeat this verse several times a day and I will listen to what the Lord tells me therein.
-I can put this verse into practice, if I feel it is right to do so.
-I will fill out the blank thought bubble.
-I can share my experiences (or how I tried to put this word of God into place and what benefits I then received).

Help to understand this verse:
The book of Esther is a romanticized book with a historical form. Esther saves Israel from a catastrophe by being the instrument of God, whereas he is considered to be among the weakest beings. Esther is a very beautiful young Jewish woman. She becomes queen (without anyone knowing she is Jewish). King Ahasuerus, urged by his second, Aman, issued a decree ordering the persecution of the Jews. Esther wants to obtain the clemency of king for his people. Except that she is only allowed to appear before the king upon his order, otherwise she will die. She decides to go without being invited. She prays and fasts for three days before taking this step. This verse is taken from her prayer. (The continuation of the story is in the Bible ...)

First Friday of Lent

- I will write or learn this verse.
-I will repeat this verse several times a day and I will listen to what the Lord tells me therein.
-I can put this verse into practice, if I feel it is right to do so.
-I will fill out the blank thought bubble.
-I can share my experiences (or how I tried to put this word of God into place and what benefits I then received).
A little help to understand this verse: Ezekiel was a priest who was deported to Babylon in 598 BC. In 587 he was a prophet of hope. He denounces the conduct of princes and priests and announces the coming of a good shepherd. The verse of the day is taken from an Ezekiel speech on personal responsibility. Basically, it is not the sons who have to pay for the crimes of their fathers. Everyone is responsible for their own conduct. Not only does man not bear the fault of his ancestors, but he can still be freed from the weight of his own past (by converting). The judgement of God will depend upon the disposition of the sinner's soul.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Year A - 6th Sunday of Ordinary Time

6th Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A
1st Reading : Sirac the wise 15.15-20
Psalm 118
2nd Reading : 1 Corinthians 2.6-10 
Gospel: Matthew 5.17-37
To go further
-This indecisive rabbit is perched on a tree stump with a few leaves, as if it were stopped from developing any further.
-He alone will make the decision
-In his body language, everything is contradictory:
-His body is turned towards the left and his head to the right
-He has one arm in front and the other behind.
-One ear turned up, the other down (he hears two different pieces of advice).
-The ability to say "Yes" or "No" is the most beautiful gift that God has given to each of us. It means that we each have the capacity to think for ourselves, and to become ourselves.
-Do I use this gift to effect power over others?
-Am I eternally indecisive?
-Do I wait for the response to come from outside?
-To say yes or non allows others to position themselves regarding me because they know what I think. Without these words from me, can the relationship really exist?