Blessed Trinity - Year A
Exodus 34, 4 ... 9
Daniel 3
2 Corinthians 13, 11 - 13
John 3, 16 - 18
To go further
- The grey rabbit is putting up with the rain (his umbrella is purple, colour of Lent), he's moaning, he's protecting himself
- The blue rabbit thanks God for the rain. He's collecting it in his hands. He's drinking it.
- For the grey rabbit, everything is grey, the sky, the earth ... For the blue rabbit, the sky is blue and the earth is green, despite the fact they're under the same rain.
- The drops of rain are made of the letters of the biblical reference "Jean 3, 16" (John 3, 16) This verse is one ok the reading keys to understand the Bible. The blue rabbit is soaking in it, whereas the grey one doesn't see neither its richnees, nor its reach
- When hearing this verse, I can take it as a marvellous news : God loves the world so much. The consequence being he gave his only Son.
- We can also hear this verse and stay impenetrable, as if it was slipping over us. To hear this verse and to doubt of the Father's Love. I'm hit by the words of a grandmother, who always used to repeat "But how did he manage, the Father, to give his son to suffering and death. It's awful !" The first part of the verse clearly hadn't hit her. She's focused on the second one. They can't be separated.
- What about me, how do I receive this verse of "John 3, 16" ?