Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Year A - Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Ezekiel 34, 11...17
Psalm 22
1 Corinthians 15, 20-26. 28
Matthew 25, 31-46

To go further

- The character on the left represents Jesus (each time you see a halo with a cross inside, it is Christ. I use this symbol of the representation of Christ, taken from oriental icons.... not, of course, wishing to depreciate their value, but to keep the symbol)
- On the right, it is death (Nooooooo, not possible!).
- The scene is that where Jesus beats death definitively, by His death on the cross (the cross, on the detonator, is that which will make death jump). In short, death can do no more, he is lost.  He plugs up his ears waiting for the moment. Impossible to attack against the Saviour (look well, the scythe is hooked in the wire of the detonator, he can no longer cause ill) "Oh death, where is your victory?" Saint Paul says. 


- Do I believe that God is stronger than Satanism?
- Do I believe in the definitive victory of Christ on evil, on death?
- Do I believe in a future world, or in this world, in my own life?

Monday, 10 November 2014

Year A - Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Proverbs 31, 10...31
Psalm 127
1 Thessalonians 5, 1-6
Matthew 25, 14-30

To go further

- Not a lot. The gold bar here is the grace of the baptism ; I have become Christian by grace of the death and the resurrection of Christ. That is what brings value to that which is received.
- There are 8 little clouds of dust (like the 8 Beatitudes). In burying the gold bar, we also bury at great depths the whole message that Christ proclaimed on the mountain.


- Do I contribute as much enthusiasm and energy to try to hide the fact that I am Christian, rather than to simply say it? If yes, why?
- Am I afraid to have to change something in my life if I say clearly that I am Christian?
- An ingot in the night does not shine any brighter than a heap of coal. What could shine brighter in you? To shine to guide others?

Monday, 27 October 2014

Year A - All the Faithful Departed

All the Faithful Departed - Year A
Wisdom 2, 23 ; 3,1 - 6.9
Psalm 4
Romans 6, 3 - 9
John 5, 24 - 29

To go further

- The grey rabbit thinks of his friend, deceased, and past. He is not looking to the future (the eternal life where he will find him). He looks at the ground, not the sky.
- In the sky, very close to me, his friend is there, visibly happy. He tries to make a sign but it is impossible to communicate with him because the grey rabbit does not look in the right place. His ears are turned in the right direction, but his eyes, without hope, take over.


- It has already happened to me to meet some young people (and not only young ones) who have refused to go into a church because it reminds them of a funeral. Is the church a place of death? It is true that there are representations of death (crucifixes) pretty much everywhere... and not all that much which represents the resurrection.
So, I speak to believers; friends, YOU are the representation of the risen Christ in your church, and if you are not, you MUST BECOME IT. If nobody represents the risen Christ, if Jesus arisen is not visible in our living rocks who are we, where and how will the non-believers discover it?
- Another question: How should I consider death? Do I dig into the question? Do I avoid it? How should I understand these two affirmations "I believe in the resurrection of the body and the life of the world to come"? Where will I find the answers? Who should I ask? Why?

This 2nd November, I can remember those who have died and who will form the welcome committee when it will be my turn to pass through the door to the eternal life.

Year A - Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time
Malachi 1, 14 - 2, 2 ... 10
Psalm 130
1 Tessalonians 2, 7 - 9. 13
Matthew 23, 1 - 12

To go further


- The angle of view is situated more or less at ground level. It is the human condition. Humility comes from "humus". He wishes to lift himself, uses an object. When I wish to lift myself, I also use either an object which I value, or a quality (which was given to me, don't forget) or somebody on my path, whom I profit from. And when this object or this person is no longer there, PLAF!
- Second point, the gym is EMPTY.  All my prowess to lift me up serves only myself and does not benefit anyone else.
- Third point, it is not a coincidence if the rabbit hits the bar. A bar which is in the eye and which blinds him.
- Last point, the rabbit at the bottom, it is my conscience. My conscience which knows that which is good, but often, I do not listen, I put myself in the corner. Shame on me.


No need for questions. The explanation at the top is more than enough.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Year A - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Exodus 22, 20 - 26
Psalm 17
1 Tessalonians 1, 5 - 10
Matthew 22, 34 - 40

To go further


- There is the parable in the Gospel of Matthew (Mt 18,28) where he who has lent throws himself upon he who owes him, to strangle him. Here, we see a hand which is used to strangle and another which is ready to hit.
- The rabbit on the left has the "knowledge" (he knows the ten commandments), the one on the right expects a model, a witness, not someone who is judgemental.


This cartoon also illustrates a saying of Jesus concerning the Pharisees. "Do as I say, not as I do" It is easy to say that the most important commandment is to love. Yet, in what I do, do I show this? Do I live it? Am I a living   "Living Word"?

Monday, 13 October 2014

Year A - Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Isaiah 45, 1. 4 - 6
Psalm 45
1 Tessalonians 1, 1 - 8
Matthew 22, 15 - 21

To go further


- Last week, the sunglasses signified the holidays on the image. This time, they allow him to see God (« We cannot see God without dying ») In fact yes, this is why we call ; SEE GOD! The holiness of God is great, great by excellence. This is what we acclaim during mass, when we sing "Sanctus". Think about it next time we sing it...
- On the ground, there are three other pairs of sunglasses, one to contemplate each divine being ; one for the Father, one for the Son and one for the holy spirit.


- The rabbit adores God with all his being, he can present himself to Him, face to face. And I, do I have this same attitude? Is there something which blocks me ?
- Do I adore each being of the Trinity? (Father, Son and Holy Spirit)?
- Is the holiness of God an obstacle for me in my relation with Him?

Monday, 6 October 2014

Year A - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 25, 6 - 9
Psalm 22
Philippians 4, 12 - 14
Matthew 22, 1 - 14

To go further

- The decor. It is empty except for God and I. On the day of passage, I will take nothing with me, I will have nothing more, I shall be alone with God (and my past).
- The rabbit, visibly, was on holiday on earth (shorts, sunglasses). Now, it is really too late to work in the vineyard of the Lord. He even tries to hide this from the Master who knows all, by holding his sunglasses behind his back.
- The shadow of the rabbit. This should usually be behind him, because the light comes from God ("God is Light" 1John 1, 5). This shadow is the dam (sins) that the rabbit placed between God and him.


- In the parable,  he who does not have their wedding clothes stays silent when asked the question. And I, what are my wedding clothe? In what, or in whom, do I place my convictions to be saved.

- Being thrown out at the last hour, am I afraid of it? Is it just for the others?