Third Sunday of Lent - Year B
Exodus 20, 1-17
Psalm 18
Corinthians 1, 22-25
John 2, 13-25
To go further
- The "gods" pull us away from God himself. I won't need to give a new line of thought, but only a question. What pulls me away from God?
- On this drawing, if we look carefully, we can see that the rabbit's desk is completely empty (apart from the computer). Only one thing can pull me away from God. Only one thing can really pull me away, if my heart is fully devoted to it. When I say "thing", I can also say "person".
- This rabbit is blinded because he "doesn't see" that he has other gods. His weird gaze shows that he's unable to look elsewhere, as if he was hypnotised.
- When I drew this picture, tablets didn't exist yet, phones weren't as important as they are now.
- An idol is something we can't live without. What or who can't I live without for a whole week ? Am I dependent on this thing ? In other words, it is manipulating me considering I can't live without it. An idol is not always something external, it can be inside me.
- An idol is something we can't live without. What or who can't I live without for a whole week ? Am I dependent on this thing ? In other words, it is manipulating me considering I can't live without it. An idol is not always something external, it can be inside me.
- Everywhere in France, we talk about freedom, but how can someone be truly free if he is chained to something, no matter how little (like this computer on an empty desk)?
- The important thing today is not to feel guilty but to realise "What am I missing?", "What may I miss if I stay focused on something or someone?"