Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
Ezekiel 33, 7 -9
Psalm 94
Romans 13, 8 - 10
go further
- We can immediately see the conflict between the
contradictory requests. The holiday-maker is asking for sun and the farmer is
asking for rain. Each of their requests is legitimate. The rabbits seem to be
revendicating. They're not looking at each other. That's what we call "Each man
for himself". How will God manage with that ?
- To those who want an answer, sorry, you won't find
it here ...
- What's important to note here is the action of asking for
something "together". The different modes of presence of Christ are
as follows (Quote from Catechism of the Catholic Church n°1373) :
* in His Word
* in his Church's prayer : "where two or three
are gathered in my name",
* in the poor, the sick, the imprisoned,
* in the sacraments of which he is the author,
* in the sacrifice of the Mass,
* and in the person of the minister (the Pope, the
bishop, the priest, the deacon)
* most especially in the Eucharistic species (which
means the hosts which have been conscred by a pope, a bishop or a priest). We call consacred host
the "Real Presence" because Jesus is really present in it.
- Am I aware of all these modes of presence of Christ
- If Christ is present in a poor, in the priest who's
celebrating, and in the Bible, I can't choose my preference, but look for God
anywhere he makes himself present.
- Here is the meaning of the picture. If I go to mass
every day and then spit upon the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, I look like
this open battle between the snail and the lizard.