Monday, 31 March 2014

Year A - Fifth Sunday of Lent

Fifth Sunday of Lent - Year A

Ezekiel 37, 12-14
Psalm 129
Romans 8, 8-11
John 11, 1-45

To go further 


- This rabbit who's all wrapped up is Lazarus in his grave who Jesus has come to resurrect. He is embalmed and his bandages make him trip over a branch that is growing inside the grave.

- This picture could be a representation of the purgatory. The purgatory is a state (not a place)where we've made the choice of God instead of death ... except we're not quite ready enough to see it straight away. Him, his absolute Holiness (on the picture, he's the light on the right).
- The rabbit is stretching forward, ears included (the light is the resurrection), his desire to see God is there, and it will be granted after this time of purification. He looks quite impatient.

- Some things are still holding him back (the bandages) which are mainly unforgiveness or the awareness of everything wrong he has done during his existence on Earth. Here, it's close to nothing that prevents him from going further, but there's still something ... 


- Jesus is asking for him to be released but he doesn't do it himself. Maybe we'll have to ask for forgiveness to those who we've hurt, therefore repairing an insult, and we will then be the instrument that will release and free the other ...

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