Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Year A - Fourth Sunday of Lent

 Fourth Sunday of Lent - Year A

1 Samuel 16, 13
Psalm 22
Ephesians 5, 8-14
John 9, 1-41

To go further


- The rabbit giving the  unction is the prophet. The one receiving it will become the king.
- The horn has the colours of a flame. Fire and oil are symbols of the Holy Ghost which resides in the king. The king is praying.
- The oil is being poured in abundance, just like God's grace which flows abundantly.
- The other rabbits are unstable on their legs, they're slipping. The oil is also what wrestlers put onto their body to escape from their opponent. In the spiritual field, it's the oil unction (the baptism, as there are the symbols of water and oil) which allows us to fight against evil forces.
- Oil is also used for lamps (oil lamps ... of course), symbol of foresight and fidelity ("keep your lamps on" Jesus tells us)
- And finally there is an aspect of "permanence". Oil penetrates (try and get rid of an oil stain ...). Unction is indelible, permanent.
-The horn, in the Bible, is a symbol of power.

- Of all the meanings, which is the one that talks to me the most when I think about the action of the Holy Ghost in my life ? Why ?

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