Monday, 30 June 2014

Year A - Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A

Zachary 9, 9 - 10
Psalm 144
Romans 8,9 11 - 13
Matthew 11, 25 - 30

To go further


- The rabbit is digging. He's taking a break, he seems tired.
- The little earthworm discovers the treasure by chance. The wormhole he's digging is zig-zagging.
- The chest looks solid, yet it's easy to open, there's no lock.
- On this picture, the rabbit represents the scholar : he's digging ... and the more he digs, the more he's piling soil on top of the chest, the less chance he has to find this treasure. He's digging, but in the wrong place.


- Digging is going deeper. We sometimes long for knowledge and we want to dig, but not in the right place. For Christians, Jesus achieved the Revelation, which means he opened the doors to knowledge for us, and nothing is left hidden. There's no more intrigue, neither secret nor mystery that only the Vatican would know. There's no need to look elsewhere, in other private revelations, apparitions, or particular literature. Everything is in the Bible (and in the Tradition, for catholics). Everything. 
- What about me, do I go elsewhere, in magic, in horoscopes, in private revelations, in other religions ? If so, why ? Wouldn't that be called idolatry as I'm not putting all my trust in God only, but in something else.  
- Has it ever happened to me to meet a person who is "lesser" than me (in terms of age, ideas or experience) and who is much more advanced than me in terms of faith ?

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