Second Sunday of Easter - Year B
Apostles Acts 4, 32-35
Psalm 117
1 John 5, 1-6
John 20, 19-31
-The disciples are closed in. They are verifying that all exits are well guarded. They are on the alert.
-There are several possible locks : On the left, two beams, like a cross, that one can unlock quite quickly. The one in the middle is a final lock. If we look well, the latch cannot be pushed to the left or to the right due to the walls. The door will never open. Then there is the door on the right which is blocked by a bunch of stuff that we can find inside the house ; a mattress, a broom, a fridge, a table (and a bucket of water for the joke)
-And then, Jesus stands in their midst. He is there but nobody sees him. The important thing is not to know how he came to be there but to know that he is there. He said himself "I am with you until the end of the world". He has not stopped keeping this promise.
-And finally, there is Thomas who stays outside. In the Gospel, we know that he was not there when Jesus appeared for the first time before his disciples. What is important, is who is inside the house, inside you. It is there that we can meet Jesus.
-Fear locks me inside with a phobia for outside, even though my powers are inside me.
E-E Schmitt wrote : "Everything that man has built begins, most often, in fear of the other man. The power of Christianity, it is to denounce this fear and to dare to affirm that human relationships can develop into love".
In what way is this true for me ? Am I aware ?
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