Monday, 6 July 2015

Year B - Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B
Amos 7, 12-15
Psalm 84
Ephesians 1, 3-14
Mark 6, 7-13

To go further


-Here we observe the creation of the world. God has the globe in his hand and says "It is ready". That is to say, before putting people on earth, it required millions of years before the earth was ready to receive humans.
-Then, God already knew what to choose, in what place and in which epoch.
Before all of the world was created, I already existed in the thoughts of God. I already existed in his heart.
-That phrase alone can help me through the week "I already existed in the heart of God"
-If God had already foreseen my existence, this does not mean to say that he had programmed the content of each hour of my life. No, that is for me to fill up my life with my choices. 


-In this world, nothing is bad in itself. But what we make of it can be good or bad. Example ; I have a tongue. With it, I can bless or curse. I can say something good or bad. It is I who chooses the usage of what I have. Same for work, money, TV, food. How do I use all of these things?What pulls me close to my Creator? What pulls me away further ?

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