Monday, 18 January 2016

Year C - Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time - Yeat C
Néhémie 8,2-4. 5-6. 8-10
Psalm 18
1 Co 12,12-30
 Luke 1,1-4 ; 4,14-21

To go further

- The blue rabbit is suffering with all his body. It is his foot which has been hurt, but it with his tongue that he screams (therefore perfect harmony between foot and tongue), it is his hands which try to relieve the pain in his foot. It  is his body which leaps and jumps with the pain. The Word of God "If one part suffers, every part suffers with it" is verified.
- On the other hand, the grey poet-rabbit is on the right, his is absolutely not in harmony with the rabbit who is suffering. He is quite happy to create a poem. He observes but does not enter into the suffering of the other. If they are both baptised, then in principle they are brothers and members of the Church, body of Christ. Here we cannot say that both rabbits are of the same body.
- We will speak in the context of a Christian assembly (mass, prayer, other...)
- In what way am I a member of the body of Christ ?
- Do I know how to suffer with someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- Do I know how to rejoice with someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- Do I know how to rejoice for someone else ? When did I last do this ?
- And regarding all of that, do I experience it only internally or can other people see that I am outwardly expressing it in this Christian assembly?

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