1st Reading : Isaiah 66.10-14
Psalm 65
2nd Reading: Galatians 6.14-18
Gospel: Luke 10.1-12 ; 17-20
To go further
-This rabbit is a little overloaded. If we take a look at all of his tools, there are quite a few for outside, gardening or agricultural tools in fact.
–There are also some tools for indoor use, such as the hammer, screwdriver, electric cable, paint, white spirit etc.
-And there are some items which are little more unusual: a hanger, an anvil...
-And in the middle of all that, a little flute (you saw it right?) which shows the free quality of music, whilst the tools are held (more or less) in place.
-So, what is the most important thing here? The multitude of things to do, or the gratuity of the smallest thing (the flute)
-If the rabbit does everything, all alone, is it because he has "found" nobody to help him? Or is it because he "looks" for nobody? I could ask myself the same questions. Often we start out saying that we cannot find anybody, and so we do it ourselves.
-Do I have an abundant harvest like the cartoon?
-What is important for me?
-What is important for me is not necessarily important for somebody else. Despite this, do I listen to the point of view of others or do I impose my own?
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